There Was A Time...

There was a time, 

When homes were not limited to their boundaries, 

and rivers were treated like Goddesses, be it Narmada, or Godavari. 

When children were considered truthful & pure, 

and mother's love was the ultimate cure.

When there was greenery more than roads,

and nature was treated as abode.

When at night the world used to rest,

and the young adults weren't depressed.

When women used to walk around careless,

and nothing was ever such a mess.

When people respected each other,

and there was no bias on caste or colour.

When people followed their passion,

and following traditions was not fashion.

When art was considered sacred,

and there was never so much hatred.

When there were more humans than people,

and summers were filled with the singing beetles.

There was a time,

When everything was peaceful, 

Yes it once existed, now in our memories, we cherish.

Just for a day, I want that time back, so that the memories do not perish...

~ Guni  


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